The Dreamscape Universe of An Aspiring Scribe

"One describes a tale best by telling the tale. You see? The way one describes a story, to oneself or to the world, is by telling the story. It is a balancing act and it is a dream. The more accurate the map, the more it resembles the territory. The most accurate map possible would be the territory, and thus would be perfectly accurate and perfectly useless. The tale is the map that is the territory." --Neil Gaiman, 'American Gods'

Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I'm a 21-year-old college student with dreams of being a professional writer. As you can tell from this blog, I certainly have the ego for it!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

When Last We Saw Our Hero...

...he was getting ready for another exciting semester, reading books and studying histories he may never have gotten the chance to otherwise. I've only got two courses on my plate this time around, Gothic Literature and Ancient Roman History. I discovered too late that the third course I was going to take wasn't going to be counted towards my degree, so I decided I wouldn't waste my time and money. Oh well.

My writing is still being pursued as much as it can be. I managed to get another paragraph written of my sci-fi novel; I started Chapter 2 back in early December and I still don't have a first draft. Other writing projects are in various stages of construction, including a graphic novel and a screenplay. Prose is nice, but every medium has its own strong points to recommend it.

In other areas of interest, I FINALLY got around to picking up The Little Mermaid on DVD. Yay! It's still a great film, and has held up extremely well over the years I've known it. It was second only to Mary Poppins when I was a kid. It's great to have it in the house again.

That's about it for now. Be seeing you,

Monday, January 01, 2007

Welcome To 2007

Happy New Year, everybody!

Be seeing you,