Yep. That's right. I've been writing again.
Actually, what I've been doing would more accurately be described as "plotting"; I've been working on the outline to my sci-fi novel. It's coming along very well. If you'll remember, I originally lost my outline when my computer got Linux onto it, and the CDs I had written information to refused to copy the files to my hard drive for some reason. I managed to get a few paragraphs of important stuff back, but most of what I had done up to that point was oblivion.
Now, I've re-written all that part of the outline and gotten so much farther in the story than ever before. I'm at the point right now where my imagination never worked out what would happen. I figured out the beginning and I pretty much know where I'm heading at the end, but the middle--the meat of the journey--has always eluded me. Now I'm working it out, and I'm very pleased with how I've worked things so far. Hopefully, I'll be able to continue that for this week...and maybe I'll even get the whole outline done. That would be really cool.
Be seeing you,